CBD Oil and Anxiety

How CBD Oil Treat Anxiety

This article pulls a great deal of research from Nordic Oil’s wiki page, “CBD for Anxiety“. (Nordic Oil offers a variety of products, particularly oils and e-liquids, which we strongly recommend for treating Anxiety.)

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a disorder caused primarily by low serotonin level in the brain and can strongly impact one’s quality of life. Serotonin is useful in our brain in transmitting the signals meant to reduce anxiety. Also, brain scans of individuals suffering from anxiety and depression frequently reveal a smaller hippocampus.

What is CBD?

We recommend reading first our “All About CBD” page which explains in further detail:

  • Cannabidiol, abbreviated as CBD, is one of the cannabinoids contained in the cannabis sativa (Marijuana) plant.
  • CBD is entirely legal and safe, for it does not have psychoactive effects like Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), its sister to Cannabis sativa.
  • CBD is an adaptogenic substance, which such substances are used in herbal medicine for the claimed stabilization of physiological processes and promotion of homeostasis.
  • It is important to understand the relationship between the nervous system and the endocannabinoid system.
  • Again, CBD has been extensively researched for its positive effects on many of the systems of the body, not just the nervous system: the hormone system, cardiovascular system, exocrine system, gastrointestinal system and respiratory system. Some of the physical pains and discomforts as well as moods CBD has been used against include: Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, Hepatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, acne, depression, PTSD, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, migraines, Diabetes, improving appetite, Menopause, maternity, Asthma, nicotine withdrawal, Autism, Glaucoma, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, progression of Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, symptoms from cancer treatment, and much more. (To learn more about different ailments CBD can treat, visit Nordic Oil’s Wiki page, which currently includes 29 articles, each one specific to one illness.)

So how can CBD treat anxiety?

As introduced on our main page, “All About CBD“, patients who suffer from chronic anxiety are discouraged from using THC since it has been known to trigger further anxiety. However, CBD actually reduces the level of anxiety especially for those who suffer from social anxiety disorders. Those who suffer from anxiety associated with public speaking, for example, can also find CBD useful.

To explain…


When serotonin signals are lower, it leads to anxiety and depression. The most common form of treatment for low levels of this chemical is the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. Drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft, which are used to treat anxiety, include SSRIs. However, studies have revealed that a high concentration of CBD could fight anxiety and depression, suggesting that CBD exhibits anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects in their animal models. Specifically Jose Alexandre Crippa and his colleagues at the University of San Paulo in Brazil and King’s College in London have found that CBD directly activates the 5-HT1A (hydroxytryptamine) serotonin receptor, thereby inducing relaxation. (This type of relaxation should not be confused with the type of relaxation acquired by THC. Keep in mind that CBD, as an adaptogenic substance, stabilizes physiological processes and promotes homeostasis, overall balancing and harmonizing your natural systems, i.e. it is calming and even known to decrease heart rate.) This 5-HT1A receptor is involved in regulating not only sleep and anxiety but also processes such as addiction, appetite, nausea, vomiting and even pain perception. In other words, CBD prevents absorption of serotonin in the brain, hence more serotonin in the receptors, thus increasing the transmission of signals. So CBD oil works the same way as many other drugs and has actually even proven to be more effective than other drugs.

Hippocampus Neurogenesis

Hippocampus is a fundamental part of the brain that plays a significant role in various functions of the brain. It’s well-known for its role in cognition and memory formation. As mentioned, brain scans of individuals suffering from anxiety and depression frequently reveal a smaller hippocampus. Successful treatment of the condition is connected with the birth of new neurons in the hippocampus. Another animal study using mice revealed that repeated administration of CBD enhances regeneration of neurons from the hippocampus. And additional studies show that CBD, as well as SSRIs, promotes neurogenesis. This is a significant aspect since evidence suggests that critically impaired neuronal plasticity influences suicidal behavior.

How to take CBD and what is the proper dosage for treating Anxiety?

Every person is different and everyone’s reaction to CBD is different. We always encourage you to start low – the dosage of CBD can always be increased gradually until the symptoms improve. Starters should take about 25-50 mg of CBD oil per day sublingually or by vaping e-liquids, then can increase the intake after 3 days. Overshooting the “Goldilocks Zone,” (where there’s neither too little nor too much CBD), when attempting to treat a particular condition may lower the efficacy of CBD.

Animal research published in 1990 revealed that whereas low to moderate CBD doses lower anxiety, CBD’s anti-anxiety effect reduced at even higher doses. The authors note an inverted- U rejoinder to CBD. From the four treatments confirmed, the lowest dose indicated moderate anti-anxiety effect. The second-lowest dose showed the greatest anti-anxiety effect. Also, while the third dose had a moderate impact, the highest dose had no impact.

A renowned cannabinoid pharmacologist called Roger Pertwee defined CBD actions at high, medium, and low doses. As anticipated, small doses of CBD impact less neural targets as compared to high doses. At low doses, CBD blocks endocannabinoids such as Phytocannabinoids and anandamide from intermingling with receptors in the nervous system. Such a blocking action is believed to explain CBD’s capacity to lower the adverse effects of anxiety.

In summary, CBD doses in humans have proved useful in decreasing anxiety in persons diagnosed with Generalized Social Disorder (GSD). Low to moderate doses are effective at alleviating stress and enhancing performance in a simulated public speaking occasion. These positive effects are linked to the restoration of standard brain functions in critical parts associated with emotion and anxiety.

There are positive impacts of using CBD to treat anxiety and stress. The impact of CBD to treat anxiety is experienced at roughly 25% of the dose used to treat Epilepsy. That increased active level replicates further CBD brain targets beyond those engaged in the cure of anxiety.

More Research and Evidence

A study on anxiety by the National Institute on Drug Abuse has confirmed that CBD is able to not only improve physiological symptoms, like a reduced heart rate, but also generally reduce stress. The studies also show that the benefits also apply in other forms of anxiety including the post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the social anxiety disorder (SAD), and the anxiety induced insomnia. Another study was conducted on 2011 on the effects of CBD on SAD and published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. In this study, the subjects were given an oral dose which consisted of 400 mg of either CBD or a placebo. Their results confirmed the reduction of anxiety for CBD users.

However, an all-inclusive review of CBD on psychiatric disorders, conducted in 2011, had questionable results. The authors of the review claimed that there was no sufficient evidence to fully support CBD as an effective treatment for depression. Despite this, the authors were still able to note its positive results when it comes to anxiety disorders. According to their review, there was need for more human tests in order to better understand how CBD works, ideal dosages, and its potential side effects. There has also been research on CBD in relation to other types of neurological disorders. A study conducted in 2016 found out that CBD also has antipsychotic benefits in schizophrenia. In fact, the researchers preferred CBD as a form of treatment over other antipsychotic drugs that have devastating side effects.
As mentioned before, if you check out Nordic Oil’s wiki page, “CBD for Anxiety“, you can read specific reviews from customers.

That being said…

Quality CBD Products For Anxiety

Nordic Oil provides high quality, full spectrum CBD oil products that are from certified third-party independent laboratories. Their products are tested for concentration and content. They  provide in-depth information regarding the extraction process.

Unwanted Side Effects?

Some of the people who have used CBD have reported symptoms such as dry mouth, low blood pressure, drowsiness and feeling lightheaded. Other than these minimal side effects, CBD is tolerant and poses no danger to humans.

If you are using any other medications, it is advisable to continue taking them until speaking further with your doctor.

Again, remember that everybody is different. CBD may take less time for some and more time for others to be effective. Follow instructions on the label cautiously and any directions provided to you by your doctor for best results.